I am using the following code, which uses the imagesLoaded package with a callback to tell me when an element with a particular csspath has finished loading all of its images:
imagesLoadedScript = "imagesLoaded( '#{csspath}', { background: true }, function(message) { console.log('PHANTOM CLIENT REPORTING: #{csspath} Images Loaded'); return message; })"
imagesLoadedScript = imagesLoadedScript.strip.gsub(/\s+/,' ')
The timing of the console.log statement, on inspection of PhantomJS logs with debug on, indicates that Capybara/Poltergiest is not waiting for the images to load, as expected, before it moves on to the next statement. I also cannot return a true (or false) value from inside the callback as I would like.
Capybara responds with
{"command_id":"678f1e2e-4820-4631-8cd6-413ce6f4b66f","response":"(cyclic structure)"}
Anyone have any ideas on how to return a value from inside a callback in a function executed via evaluate_script?
Many thanks.