After following the tutorial for react-native-firebase, my app hangs after a successful build. The error I get in Xcode is: Thread 1: signal SIGABRT
. I understand from other questions that this has something to do with connections, but I do not know why this error occurs.
This is my first React Native project and first time working with Xcode.
What I did
- I added
. - Ran
react-native link react-native-firebase
. - Added the GoogleService-Info.plist to the project by dragging it into the Xcode editor.
- Stopped all Xcode tasks and quitted Xcode.
- Did a
pod init
. Adjusted the podfile to the following:
# Uncomment the next line to define a global platform for your project platform :ios, '9.0' target 'Enso' do # Uncomment the next line if you're using Swift or would like to use dynamic frameworks # use_frameworks! # Pods for Enso pod 'Firebase/Core' end
- Did a
pod install
- Opened the xcworkspace file
- Added the
#import <Firebase.h>
and[FIRApp configure];
- Cleaned the project
- Run the project
- Project build successful, but the app keeps hanging on the white screen with the name of the app and 'Powered by React Native'.
- After about 10 seconds the Xcode editor will show me the following: Image with error in Xcode
More info
I have these Linked Frameworks and Libraries
- libRNSVG.a
- libRNBackgroundTimer.a
- libRNFirebase.a
- libART.a
- libRCTBlob.a
- libReact.a
- libRCTAnimation.a
- libRCTActionSheet.a
- libRCTGeolocation.a
- libRCTImage.a
- libRCTLinking.a
- libRCTNetwork.a
- libRCTSettings.a
- libRCTText.a
- libRCTVibration.a
- libRCTWebSocket.a
- libPos-Enso.a
I have this in my Header Search Paths
- $(inherited)
- $(SRCROOT)/../node_modules/react-native-background-timer/ios
- $(SRCROOT)/../node_modules/react-native-firebase/ios/RNFirebase
- $(SRCROOT)/../node_modules/react-native-svg/ios
- $(SRCROOT)/../ios/Pods
- $(SRCROOT)/../node_modules/react-native/React