What am I trying to achieve : Trying to create a VPC using cloud formation template.
- What did I observe: When I create a VPC using Cloud-formation template, under the TAGS for every service created[Like subnet, NAT, Internet gateway ] I see
aws:cloud formation:stack-name
I see the above mentioned under KEY/VALUE,even though my JSON template doesn't include the above lines.They get created automatically. At the same time, when I create a VPC without cloud formation[Using the dashboard], I don't see any of the above mentioned under TAGS.Can somebody explain why these TAGS gets created only with Cloudformation template?
- Whenever services like AWS::EC2::VPCGatewayAttachment and AWS::EC2::Route are used, which is predominantly used to attach the already created NAT and Internet gateways either to the subnet or VPC, I see a logical ID getting created with it. I see them under "Preview your changes"] before the update happens.
- After the update, I am not able to refer/see that logical ID anywhere?
- Do logical ID's get created even for services AWS::EC2::VPCGatewayAttachment and AWS::EC2::Route which just acts as an enabler for the hardware [virtualised hardware]?