I have an issue with importing a lot of records from a user provided excel file into a database. The logic for this is working fine, and I’m using ActiveRecord-import to cut down on the number of database calls. However, when a file is too large, the processing can take too long and Heroku will return a timeout. Solution: Resque and moving the processing to a background job.
So far, so good. I’ve needed to add CarrierWave to upload the files to S3 because I can’t just hold the file in memory for the background job. The upload portion is also working fine, I created a model for them and am passing the IDs through to the queued job to retrieve the file later as I understand I can’t pass a whole ActiveRecord object through to the job.
I’ve installed Resque and Redis locally, and everything seems to be setup correctly in that regard. I can see the jobs I’m creating being queued and then run without failing. The job seems to run fine, but no records are added to the database. If I run the code from my job line by line in the console, the records are added to the database as I would expect. But when the queued jobs I’m creating run, nothing happens.
I can’t quite work out where the problem might be.
Here’s my upload controller’s create action:
def create
@upload = Upload.new(upload_params)
if @upload.save
Resque.enqueue(ExcelImportJob, @upload.id)
flash[:info] = 'File uploaded.
Data will be processed and added to the database.'
redirect_to root_path
flash[:warning] = 'Upload failed. Please try again.'
render :new
This is a simplified version of the job with fewer sheet columns for clarity:
class ExcelImportJob < ApplicationJob
@queue = :default
def perform(upload_id)
file = Upload.find(upload_id).file.file.file
data = parse_excel(file)
if header_matches? data
# Create a database entry for each row, ignoring the first header row
# using activerecord-import
sales = []
data.drop(1).each_with_index do |row, index|
sales << Sale.new(row)
if index % 2500 == 0
Sale.import sales
sales = []
Sale.import sales
def parse_excel(upload)
# Open the uploaded excel document
doc = Creek::Book.new upload
# Map rows to the hash keys from the database
doc.sheets.first.rows.map do |row|
{ date: row.values[0],
title: row.values[1],
author: row.values[2],
isbn: row.values[3],
release_date: row.values[5],
units_sold: row.values[6],
units_refunded: row.values[7],
net_units_sold: row.values[8],
payment_amount: row.values[9],
payment_amount_currency: row.values[10] }
# Returns true if header matches the expected format
def header_matches?(data)
data.first == {:date => 'Date',
:title => 'Title',
:author => 'Author',
:isbn => 'ISBN',
:release_date => 'Release Date',
:units_sold => 'Units Sold',
:units_refunded => 'Units Refunded',
:net_units_sold => 'Net Units Sold',
:payment_amount => 'Payment Amount',
:payment_amount_currency => 'Payment Amount Currency'}
I can probably have some improved logic anyway as right now I’m holding the whole file in memory, but that isn’t the issue I’m having – even with a small file that has only 500 or so rows, the job doesn’t add anything to the database.
Like I said my code worked fine when I wasn’t using a background job, and still works if I run it in the console. But for some reason the job is doing nothing.
This is my first time using Resque so I don’t know if I’m missing something obvious? I did create a worker and as I said it does seem to run the job. Here’s the output from Resque’s verbose formatter:
*** resque-1.27.4: Waiting for default
*** Checking default
*** Found job on default
*** resque-1.27.4: Processing default since 1508342426 [ExcelImportJob]
*** got: (Job{default} | ExcelImportJob | [15])
*** Running before_fork hooks with [(Job{default} | ExcelImportJob | [15])]
*** resque-1.27.4: Forked 63706 at 1508342426
*** Running after_fork hooks with [(Job{default} | ExcelImportJob | [15])]
*** done: (Job{default} | ExcelImportJob | [15])
In the Resque dashboard the jobs aren’t logged as failed. They get executed and I can see an increment in the ‘processed’ jobs on the stats page. But as I say the DB remains untouched. What’s going on? How can I debug the job more clearly? Is there a way to get into it with Pry?
in the line before each call toSale.import sales
to make sure you're hitting theimport
calls with data? – hoffmlogger.info "Collected #{sales.count} sales to import"
or something like that? – Nick Barretoputs "Collected #{sales.count} sales to import"
should do the trick. I assume you're starting the Resque worker withrake resque:work
? – hoffmbundle exec rake environment resque:work QUEUE=default
– Nick Barretologger.info
in the job but when it ran I couldn't see any output anywhere; in the rails server output nor in the resque worker log output. – Nick Barreto