I am getting this error from a QueueTrigger function that also needs a CloudQueue binding.
Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs.Host.Indexers.FunctionIndexingException : Error indexing method 'QueueInstancesToImport.Run' ---> System.InvalidOperationException : Can't bind Queue to type 'Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Storage.Queue.CloudQueue'.
According to the docs CloudQueue should be valid.
Other potential solutions I have found don't match exactly or don't help.
- C# Azure Functions: Can't use CloudQueue type as output binding
- Azure Function App: Can't bind Queue to type 'Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Storage.Queue.CloudQueue' (IBinder)
My code
public static class QueueFormInstancesToImport
public static async Task Run(
[QueueTrigger("import-queue")]string message,
[Queue("import-queue")]CloudQueue queue,
TraceWriter traceWriter,
ExecutionContext context)
// Body of function
. – Mikhail Shilkov