
I'm trying to sort a range based on a specific criteria when the user select check boxes from a user form in Excel.

The user is given the option of 4 check boxes (each check box will sort a specific range). I've tried a few methods and can't seem to figure it out, I keep getting "Object Required" on run-time error

Private Sub btnConfirm_Click()

    If (chkbxValid.value) Then
        SortData (Range("H4:I1000"))
    End If
    If (chkbxValidDuplicate.value) Then
        SortData (Range("K4:L1000"))
    End If
    If (chkbxInvalid.value) Then
        SortData (Range("N4:O1000"))
    End If
    If (chkbxInvalidDuplicate.value) Then
        SortData (Range("Q4:R1000"))
    End If

End Sub

And then here's the second segment of code

Private Function SortData(rng As Range)

    FR = 1
    FC = 1
    LR = 1000
    LC = 2
    SC = 2

    Sheets("TRACKER_2.0").rng(cells(FR, FC), cells(LR, LC)).Sort Key1:=Range(cells(FR, SC), cells(LR, SC)), Order1:=xlAscending

End Function
You're trying to use more than 1 column as the key.David Manheim
Drop the brackets around your function calls. Also, Key1 must specify the first sort field, you are using the whole range so that may have unintended consequences.SJR

1 Answers


For sorting, there are more criteria:

fr = 1 'first row
fc = 1 'first column
lr = 200 'last row
lc = 10 'last column
sc = 4 'sort column
Range(Cells(fr,fc),Cells(lr,lc)).Sort key1:=Range(Cells(fr,sc),CellS(lr,sc)), order1:=xlAscending, Header:=xlNo

Using Range("A1") style format:

lr = 200 'last row
Range("A1:J" & lr).Sort key1:=Range("D1:D" & lr), order1:=xlAscending, Header:=xlNo