I'm facing a issue after upgrading cordova android project to version 6.3.0 in using Camera and Geolocation plugin. These both plugin uses Permission helper class which requires cordova-plugin-compat. But with cordova android version 6.3.0 release cordova-plugin-compat is no longer supported ( https://cordova.apache.org/news/2017/09/22/plugins-release.html) as it is included in the core. But I'm getting error on resolving org.apache.cordova.PermissionHelper and in org.apache.cordova.BuildHelper . How to solve this issue.
1 Answers
Update cordova-plugin-compat
to v1.2, which contains a restriction preventing the plugin files being deployed to [email protected]+
cordova plugin rm cordova-plugin-compat --force
&& cordova plugin add [email protected]