I am trying to create a lambda function which can be invoked from SNS Topic events in the different region. My lambda is in EU-WEST-1 and the SNS Topic to be subscribed to is in EU-CENTRAL-1.
I am using the Serverless framework to deploy lambda. If I try to subscribe to a topic in the same region, it works successfully. But when I try to subscribe to a topic in a different region, I am getting error "Invalid parameter - TopicArn".
If I go to AWS console, I can successfully add a trigger to lambda to invoke from SNS in a different region.
I also tried running a NodeJS script to add cross-region SNS-lambda subscription. I am getting same "Invalid parameter - TopicArn" error from sns.Subscribe() method.
Is there a way to programmatically or via cloud formation subscribe lambda to SNS topic in a different region?