I am relatively new to SAS macro programming and I am mainly using it to make my code 'cleaner' and avoid errors in repetitive code.
I have done some googling but have not found easy way for this.
I have 2 questions first - how can I pass list of columns to macro ?
I want to have macro look something like this in general code:
proc sql;
create table &usefulTable as
%DoStuff('col1, col3, col9', 'col1 = 12 or (col2 between 1 and 3)')
basically I pass column values as first parameter and where clause as second parameter.
Is it possible to make macro what will go through first argument as column names and use second argument as part of where clause ?
%MACRO DoStuff(col, cond);
&col separated by ',' ,
'source1' as source
from &someNiceTable
where &cond
&col separated by ',' ,
'source2' as source
from &someNiceOtherTable
where &cond
Above is sample basic macro showing similar functionality I am intending to do, in this case union of 2 tables while adding new columns what defines from what table is set record. Basically there will be always applied same conditions for several tables and then they will be joined with union with one extra column added.
Would be nice to get some jelp on this.
To be honest biggest issue I am facing is with passing the were variable, because column names I can use as hardcoded values in macro, but issue is with where clause because it regularly changes.