
I'm pretty new to Typo3, so sorry if I can't understand what's the problem here.

I installed the extension ke_search and followed (many times!) the basic and simple instructions given to setup it. The indexer works and everything seems just fine, but when I try to check the front end page, an error occours:

PHP Catchable Fatal Error: Argument 1 passed to TYPO3\CMS\Fluid\View\StandaloneView::setTemplateRootPaths() must be of the type array, null given, called in (...)/typo3conf/ext/ke_search/pi2/class.tx_kesearch_pi2.php on line 126 and defined in (...)/typo3/sysext/fluid/Classes/View/StandaloneView.php line 192

Unfortunately I can't understand the meaning of this. Is there anybody willing to give me some advice. Needless to say I searched the web to find similar errors, to no avail.

Thank you

Do you have included the static template of ke_search in your root page?Fox
Thank you @Fox. Nope, didn't include it. In the tab "Resources" in the root page I know I can add it, but what's the sintax?Valentina Rachiele
Ok, added it using the "Template" Info/Modify section. The error is still showing (flushed all the caches...).Valentina Rachiele
Damn, maybe you could check the templateRootPaths for this plugin. Use the template module again and select the typoscript object browser. After that you can check if "plugin -> tx_kesearch_pi2 -> templateRootPaths" is set.Fox
Actually, it's not set. Tbh, I'm only seeing tx_news among my plugins, so maybe there's something wrong... I'm going to study and check if I can find a way. Thanl you so much!Valentina Rachiele

1 Answers


If you're working with Version TYPO3 Version 7 or 8, try this Code in your TypoScript:

plugin.tx_kesearch_pi1 {
    templateRootPaths {
        5 = EXT:ke_search/Resources/Private/Templates/
    partialRootPaths {
        5 = EXT:ke_search/Resources/Private/Partials/
    layoutRootPaths {
        5 = EXT:ke_search/Resources/Private/Layouts/

plugin.tx_kesearch_pi2 {
    templateRootPaths {
        5 = EXT:ke_search/Resources/Private/Templates/
        5 = EXT:ke_search/Resources/Private/Partials/
    layoutRootPaths {
        5 = EXT:ke_search/Resources/Private/Layouts/

I think, it's a bug...