I'm using Windows 10 (64-bit), I have downloaded GNAT GPL 2017, ARM ELF format (hosted on Windows) from http://libre.adacore.com/download/configurations#.
I have created a sample code:
with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;
procedure Hello is
Put_Line("Hello from GPS!");
end Hello;
When I build my file everything is fine and it succeed. The problem is, that when I run my program, then get an error:
Error while trying to execute C:\Users\sigger\Desktop\ada\hello: not an executable
When I change property of my project:
Project -> Properties -> Sources -> Main -> Executable names
on hello.exe, then I get an error, that my program can't run on Windows 64-bit.
How can I create an exe file from my ada code on Windows 10?