
Because Prometheus topk returns more results than expected, and because https://github.com/prometheus/prometheus/issues/586 requires client-side processing that has not yet been made available via https://github.com/grafana/grafana/issues/7664, I'm trying to pursue a different near-term work-around to my similar problem.

In my particular case most of the metric values that I want to graph will be zero most of the time. Only when they are above zero are they interesting.

I can find ways to write prometheus queries to filter data points based on the value of a label, but I haven't yet been able to find a way to tell prometheus to return time series data points only if the value of the metric meets a certain condition. In my case, I want to filter for a value greater than zero.

Can I add a condition to a prometheus query that filters data points based on the metric value? If so, where can I find an example of the syntax to do that?


3 Answers


Filtering is done with the comparison operators, for example x > 0.


If you're confused by brian's answer: The result of filtering with a comparison operator is not a boolean, but the filtered series. E.g.

min(flink_rocksdb_actual_delayed_write_rate > 0)

Will show the minimum value above 0.

In case you actually want a boolean (or rather 0 or 1), use something like

sum (flink_rocksdb_actual_delayed_write_rate >bool 0)

which will give you the non-zero count.


This can be solved with subqueries:

count_over_time((metric > 0)[5m:10s])

The query above would return the number of metric data points greater than 0 over the last 5 minutes. The second arg in square brackets must be smaller than scrape interval for the metric.