
I've got a custom Document Library created as a feature in SharePoint (WSS3). I've created and customized the library by modifying its schema.xml and other corresponding xml files.

The problem is that I need to enable the Document Version History. I can do this via the web GUI but not in xml definition. In the tag I've got the following attributes set:

EnableContentTypes="TRUE" BaseType="1" VersioningEnabled="TRUE" EnableMinorVersions="FALSE" MajorVersionLimit="5" ForceCheckout="TRUE"

When I create a library based on the template and open the Versioning Settings I can see that Require Check Out is true but Document Version History is still set to No Versioning. I need to set it to "Create major versions" and limit the amount to 5. As far as I know my markup should be correct but it doens't seem to work.

I would greatly appreciate any information on how to achieve this.



1 Answers


You should enable versioning in the ListInstance, not the schema.xml.