I am in a situation, when I would like to queue a few mailboxes to export (I don't want them to be processed at the same time) to PST files. I know, how to export them it with a command get-mailboxexportrequest, but when I do it, they almost instantly begin. Can I somehow queue another mailbox, so it would automatically start, when the previous one is completed?
1 Answers
I would do the following:
- Build a powershell script which is checking if there is a running export happening (via Get-MailboxExportRequest) if that isn´t the case start to export x mailfiles you specify inside a CSV file
- Use the Windows taskmanager on your Exchange Server to trigger that script and define a timeframe here how often and when your script should run
- Once the powershell script runs, it should remove the exported mailfile from the CSV file and then quit
- The next run from the powershell script via the taskmanager will then check if the current job is still ongoing, if it is, it should quit until its time to pick up the next entry from your list
As a starting point something like the following should be fine (untested but should give you a starting point):
# Get current Export Requests
$ExportStats = Get-MailboxExportRequest
#Check if there are completed questes
If ($ExportStats.Status -eq "Completed")
Write-Host "Export done"
Get-MailboxExportRequest -Status Completed -Name "$ObjectName-Export" | Remove-MailboxExportRequest -Confirm:$false
#Disable-Mailbox -identity "AD\$ObjectName"
# Create a new CSV file, which isn´t including the current export name we just marked as finish via above's section.
# Now import our CSV list and proceed it
Import-CSV <Filepath of CSV file(\\server\folder\file.csv)> | ForEach-Object {
# Perform the export
New-MailboxExportRequest -Mailbox $_.MailboxAlias -FilePath $_.PSTpath
New-MailboxExportRequest -Mailbox $_.MailboxAlias -FilePath $_.ArchivePath
# Once done exit here, this will ensure we proceed only the first entry
elseif ($ExportStats.Status -eq "InProgress")
Write-Host "Export still ongoing"
parameter to start all requests suspended. You could then basically manage the queue yourself. – Bacon Bits