I want my y-axis to have labels 0%, 25%, 50%, 75%, 100%
I would have expected a gridCount of 4 or 5 to do it, but it refuses. I've tried labelFrequency set to 25 but that doesn't work either.
window.AmCharts.makeChart('chartdiv', {
'type': 'serial',
'categoryField': 'category',
'dataDateFormat': 'YYYY-MM-DD',
'startDuration': 1,
'theme': 'light',
'categoryAxis': {
'parseDates': true,
'axisThickness': 0,
'color': '#989898',
'gridThickness': 0
'graphs': [
'fillAlphas': 1,
'type': 'column',
'valueField': 'column-1'
'valueAxes': [
'zeroGridAlpha': -2,
'titleColor': '#989898',
'axisThickness': 0,
'color': '#989898',
'gridThickness': 1,
unit: '%',
autoGridCount: false,
gridCount: 5
'dataProvider': [
'category': '2014-03-01',
'column-1': 8
'category': '2014-03-02',
'column-1': 16
'category': '2014-03-03',
'column-1': 2
'category': '2014-03-04',
'column-1': 7
'category': '2014-03-05',
'column-1': 5
'category': '2014-03-06',
'column-1': 9
'category': '2014-03-07',
'column-1': 4
'category': '2014-03-08',
'column-1': 15
'category': '2014-03-09',
'column-1': 12
'category': '2014-03-10',
'column-1': 17
'category': '2014-03-11',
'column-1': 18
'category': '2014-03-12',
'column-1': 21
'category': '2014-03-13',
'column-1': 24
'category': '2014-03-14',
'column-1': 23
'category': '2014-03-15',
'column-1': 24