
I want to (Add p.L_VALUE AND p.I_VALUE And with this result, Subtract c.con_value) subtract one column to another column in different table, the function below compiles successfully but the subtract result is not correct:

  • function CF_OP_QTYFormula return Number is V_QTY number(10); begin select sum(nvl(p.L_QTY, 0)) + sum(nvl(p.I_QTY, 0)) - sum(nvl(c.CON_QTY,0)) into V_QTY from raw_purchase p, raw_consum c WHERE p.ITEMCODE = c.ITEMCODE AND p.ITEMCODE = :ITEMCODE AND p.MONTH_YEAR BETWEEN '31-MAY-2010' AND ADD_MONTHS(:date1, -1); return v_qty; exception when no_data_found then return null; end;

I think you are missing a ; after the SELECT statement (before the return statement)a_horse_with_no_name
I see below problems: 1. Since you are not putting any join condition, this will be case of cross join. (10 record in raw_purchase and 20 record in raw_consum will produce 200 result set with all possible combination). 2. Syntactically, you are missing ';' before 'return v_qty;' 3. What if this select query is returning multiple record result? Would you be ablle to store it in V_QTY (which you have defined as number)?Himanshu
You do not need no_data_found, your query cannot raise that exception. @Himanashu: query cannot return more than one row since it uses aggregate function sum on all three columns, without using group by.Goran Stefanović
You've changed the question, now it is very different than what you originally asked for. With the changes you have made - what result would you expect if table raw_purchase does not contain any row for item code and time period you provided? Should you sum values of column con_qty from table raw_consum nevertheless? I think you have to understand what your current code is working before fixing anything. Is it clear to you what exactly is the problem with it?Goran Stefanović

2 Answers


Sum the values for the individual tables and then cross join them (rather than cross joining them and then summing which will create duplicate values). You were also missing a semi-colon after the query.

  SELECT p.total - c.total
  FROM   ( SELECT sum(nvl(L_VALUE, 0)) + sum(nvl(I_VALUE, 0)) AS total
           FROM   raw_purchase ) p
         CROSS JOIN
         ( SELECT sum(nvl(c.CON_VALUE, 0)) AS total
           FROM   raw_consum ) c;
  RETURN v_qty; 

One solution would be to use subqueries to calculate sums of columns for every table separately:

function CF_OP_VALFormula return number is
  v_qty number(13);
  select (select nvl(sum(l_value), 0) + nvl(sum(i_value), 0) from raw_purchase) -
         (select nvl(sum(con_value), 0) from raw_consum)
    into v_qty
    from dual;

  return v_qty; 

Note: you do not need to use nvl on every single row - you can use it after calculating sum. This will speed things up a bit.