
First of all, please let me know if what I'm doing is poor use of dplyr because I'm not sure if I'm approaching this in the best way. I have the following dataframe:

mydf = data.frame(user = c(7,7,7,7,7,7,7,8,8,8,8,8,8),
                  col1 = c('0','0','1','1','0','3','NULL','3','3','0','1','0','0'),
                  col2 = runif(n=13),
                  col3 = letters[1:13], 
                  stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

> mydf
   user col1      col2 col3
1     7    0 0.7607907    a
2     7    0 0.1580448    b
3     7    1 0.8063540    c
4     7    1 0.7331512    d
5     7    0 0.2433631    e
6     7    3 0.2357065    f
7     7 NULL 0.4864172    g
8     8    3 0.6806089    h
9     8    3 0.2229874    i
10    8    0 0.6187911    j
11    8    1 0.7617177    k
12    8    0 0.5884821    l
13    8    0 0.4985750    m

The filtering I would like to do is a bit wordy, but I'll try - I would like to filter the dataframe by removing all rows where col1 == '0' if that row occurs AFTER the first row for that user where col1 == '1'. (bolded indicates i messed up the original question, and switched the 0 and 1).

For example, for user 7, the 3rd row has col1 == '1', so I'd like to filter all rows after row 3 where col1 == '0' (in this case, only row 5). Then, for user 8, the 11th row is the first row for this user where col1 == '1', so I'd then like to filter rows 12 and 13, since col1 == '0'.

My final output should be something like this:

> mydf
   user col1      col2 col3
1     7    0 0.7607907    a
2     7    0 0.1580448    b
3     7    1 0.8063540    c
4     7    1 0.7331512    d
6     7    3 0.2357065    f
7     7 NULL 0.4864172    g
8     8    3 0.6806089    h
9     8    3 0.2229874    i
10    8    0 0.6187911    j
11    8    1 0.7617177    k

I've tried the following, but it didn't work. I thought adding a rownums column, then grouping by user, and then filtering how I've described would work. My thoughts are that there is something wrong with my filter call:

mydf %>%
  mutate(rownums = 1:nrow(mydf)) %>%
  group_by(user) %>%
  filter(!(col1 == "0" & rownums > min(which(col1 == "1"))))

# A tibble: 9 x 5
# Groups:   col0 [2]
   user  col1      col2  col3 rownums
  <dbl> <chr>     <dbl> <chr>   <int>
1     7     0 0.2088034     a       1
2     7     0 0.2081894     b       2
3     7     1 0.1825428     c       3
4     7     1 0.2143353     d       4
5     7     3 0.1979774     f       6
6     7  NULL 0.2990799     g       7
7     8     3 0.7808038     h       8
8     8     3 0.1694272     i       9
9     8     1 0.1526450     k      11

The difference between this output, and the correct output, is that this output incorrectly also filtered row 10 of the original dataframe.

Any help with this is appreciated!

EDIT - I'm particularly curious if group_by() %>% filter() is bad practice in R with regards to dplyr. 99% of my group_by() are followed by summarize(), which obviously makes more sense.

EDIT2 - I think I've got it!

mydf %>%
  group_by(col0) %>%
  mutate(rownums = 1:length(col0)) %>%
  filter(!(col1 == "0" & rownums > min(which(col1 == "1"))))

Simply flipping the order of the mutate() and group_by() calls, and tweaking the mutate() call a bit, looks to have gotten it done. I'm open to hearing a better approach though.


4 Answers


There is a cumany function, which is useful for these sequential conditions, like this:

mydf %>%
  group_by(user) %>% 
  mutate(seen_one = cumany(col1 == "1")) %>%
  filter(!seen_one | col1 != "0")

That is mark all rows after "1" has been in the 'stream' with seen_one, and then keep the rows where one of the conditions is not met. (Semantics of filter require to invert the condition to 'get rid' of the rows, !(A & B) == !A | !B.)


Here is an idea via dplyr


df %>% 
 group_by(user) %>% 
 mutate(id1 = row_number(), new_col = max(which(col1 == 1)+1)) %>% 
 filter(!(col1 == 0 & id1 >= new_col))

which gives,

# A tibble: 10 x 6
# Groups:   user [2]
    user  col1       col2  col3   id1 new_col
   <dbl> <chr>      <dbl> <chr> <int>   <dbl>
 1     7     0 0.54742608     a     1       5
 2     7     0 0.89271859     b     2       5
 3     7     1 0.48999057     c     3       5
 4     7     1 0.17163211     d     4       5
 5     7     3 0.96146770     f     6       5
 6     7  NULL 0.31368382     g     7       5
 7     8     3 0.82051455     h     1       5
 8     8     3 0.30705440     i     2       5
 9     8     0 0.18545358     j     3       5
10     8     1 0.04834678     k     4       5

Could be solved by updating your attempt a little :

mydf %>%
   group_by(user) %>%
   filter(col1 != 0 | row_number() < which.max(col1 == 1))

#    user   col1        col2  col3
#   <dbl> <chr>       <dbl> <chr>
# 1     7     0 0.756522673     a
# 2     7     0 0.168314555     b
# 3     7     1 0.977254798     c
# 4     7     1 0.722721694     d
# 5     7     3 0.407849378     f
# 6     7  NULL 0.245335151     g
# 7     8     3 0.003423735     h
# 8     8     3 0.191716738     i
# 9     8     0 0.626846893     j
#10     8     1 0.546459621     k

Using filter we select all the rows where col1 is not equal to 0 or those rows where the current row is less than the index of first occurrence of 1 for that group.


alternately, building on the direction @liborm's answer provides:

mydf %>%
  group_by(user) %>%
  mutate(k = cumany(col1 == '0'), j = cumany(col1 == '1')) %>%
  filter(!(col1 == 0 & k == TRUE & j == TRUE)) %>%


    user  col1  col2  col3
   <dbl> <chr> <dbl> <chr>
 1     7     0     1     a
 2     7     0     1     b
 3     7     1     0     c
 4     7     1     0     d
 5     7     3     0     f
 6     7  NULL     1     g
 7     8     3     0     h
 8     8     3     1     i
 9     8     0     1     j
10     8     1     0     k