I am trying to rewrite Spark Structured Streaming example in Clojure.
The example is written in Scala as follows:
(ns flambo-example.streaming-example
(:import [org.apache.spark.sql Encoders SparkSession Dataset Row]
(def spark
(.appName "sample")
(.master "local[*]")
(def lines
(-> spark
(.format "socket")
(.option "host" "localhost")
(.option "port" 9999)
(def words
(-> lines
(.as (Encoders/STRING))
(.flatMap #(clojure.string/split % #" " ))
The above code causes the following exception.
;; Caused by java.lang.IllegalArgumentException ;; No matching method found: flatMap for class ;; org.apache.spark.sql.Dataset
How can I avoid the error ?