Ok, tried to shorten a bit and put the code at the end of the post. Thank you for your answers.
After reading quite a few questions/answers on the subject and not finding any solution, here is my issue. I tried to be as concise as possible so I might have truncated some code, feel free to ask for details. I am also quite new to the JSF, primefaces world.
I develop evolutions/fixes on an existing web application based on Spring/Hibernate/Primefaces. The user interface contains a tabview with some p:datatable : companies, users in my case.
So here is my use case:
In 'formCompany', a button displays the dialog 'createCompany'.
I create a company 'aaaa/aaaa' (name and code are mandatory for societeEntity) -> the company is added in 'CompaniesTable'
I create a user associated to this company 'john'/'aaaa' (name and company are mandatory fields for utilisateurEntity) -> the user is created and displayed in 'userTable' with the company name 'aaaa'
I modify the name to 'bbbb' of the company and save it -> the company name is not updated in 'userTable'
What I suspect is that userTable is not refreshed from the database with the 'update' attribute of the commandButton. I guess that the 'update' attribute on ":panelBas:formUser:userTable" works fine but only on client side.
What I expect is that the datatable containing the users will be refreshed with the new company name 'bbbb'.
The tricks I tried :
- update attribute on p:commandButton => fail
- reaching userTable from p:commanbButton.oncomplete with its widgetVar id and calling an hypothetic 'refresh/reload/update' method, using PF('userTable') => fail (primefaces documentation is not really helping...)
Here is the code of the button that saves the company :
<p:commandButton value="Save" update="companyNameMsg companyCodeMsg :panelBas:formCompany:CompaniesTable **:panelBas:formUser:userTable**" ajax="true"
actionListener="#{companyDialog.save}" icon="ui-icon-disk"
**oncomplete="if(args && !args.validationFailed) { PF('createCompany').hide(); }"** />
The component p:datatable does not seem to have a method to reload data from the server. So the question is how can I update my user datatable after saving a company in a backing bean ?
The code below shows the xhtml page containing the tabview, dialogs, datatables, ...
<p:tabView id="panelBas" widgetVar="wvPanelBas" activeIndex="#{searchDialog.activeIndex}">
<p:tab title="Companies">
<h:form id="**formCompany**">
<p:dataTable id="CompaniesTable" value="#{companyDialog.companyList}" var="item3" lazy="false"
tableStyle="text-align: center;width:auto" paginator="true" rowsPerPageTemplate="5,10,15,20,30,50,100" rows="15"
sortBy="#{item3.nom}" sortOrder="ascending" filteredValue="#{companyDialog.companyFilteredList}">
<p:tab title="Users">
<h:form id="formUser">
<p:dataTable id="userTable" widgetVar="wvUserTable" **value="#{userDialog.utilisateurList}"** var="item2" lazy="false"
tableStyle="text-align: center;width:auto" paginator="true" rowsPerPageTemplate="5,10,15" rows="10"
sortBy="#{item2.nom}" sortOrder="ascending" filteredValue="#{userDialog.utilisateurFilteredList}">
**<!-- This value is not updated when associated company's name is modified-->
<p:column filterBy="#{item2.societe.nom}" sortBy="#{item2.societe.nom}" headerText="Company">
<h:outputText value="#{item2.societe.nom}" />
<p:column filterBy="#{item2.nom}" sortBy="#{item2.nom}" headerText="Nom" sortOrder="ascending">
<h:outputText value="#{item2.nom}" />
<!-- This dialog allows to modify company data -->
<p:dialog header="New Company" widgetVar="createCompany" id="createCompany" resizable="true" modal="true" width="500" showEffect="clip" hideEffect="clip">
<!-- Company modification form -->
<p:commandButton value="Save" update="companyNameMsg companyCodeMsg :panelBas:formCompany:CompaniesTable **:panelBas:formUser:userTable**" ajax="true"
actionListener="#{companyDialog.save}" icon="ui-icon-disk"
**oncomplete="if(args && !args.validationFailed) { PF('createCompany').hide(); }"** />
Here is the code of the beans:
@Scope(value = WebApplicationContext.SCOPE_SESSION, proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS)
public class CompanyDialog {
// Managed property used by datatable attribute 'value'
private List<SocieteEntity> companyList;
// Managed property used by datatable attribute 'filteredValue'
private List<SocieteEntity> companyFilteredList;
private SocieteEntity societeEntity;
public void save() {
@Scope(value = WebApplicationContext.SCOPE_SESSION, proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS)
public class UserDialog {
// Managed property used by datatable attribute 'value'
private List<UtilisateurEntity> utilisateurList;
// Managed property used by datatable attribute 'filteredValue'
private List<UtilisateurEntity> utilisateurFilteredList;
private UtilisateurEntity utilisateurEntity;
public void recherche() {
// Fills the managed property utilisateurList (used by the datatable)
Thank you in advance and have a nice day.