I'm using the WCF REST Template where services are implemented with just a class and registered in the Global.ascx (much like MVC controllers are).
RouteTable.Routes.Add(new ServiceRoute("Games/Games", new WebServiceHostFactory(), typeof(Games.Games)));
Games.Games has a ctor accepting a Dal.Games.IGames and I have a NinjectModule with the Bindings ready but I cant for the life of me figure out where to pass the kernel to to have it control the creation of the service classes.
My services dont have a markup (svc) file so I'm guessing that it will have something do with replacing the WebServiceHostFactory with one from Ninject. I was able to find one in the Ninject Web extension but just dropping that in didnt change anything not to mention I coulnt find anywhere to setup the kenel in that class.
Any solutions, hints or tips are greatly appreciated.