
In an Azure Active Directory B2C Tenant, you have the possibility to create applications that are linked to your tenant.


It is possible to access you're tenant's objects using Microsoft Graph API.

My question is how can i access (read, create update delete) AD B2C applications using Microsoft Graph API (or Microsoft.Graph nuget package)?

Many thanks in advance for your help.


3 Answers


You could refer to this document for how to use Azure AD Graph API in Azure AD B2C . But refer to feedback , currently it seems doesn't support accessing AD B2C application object programmatically .


The applications that are created through Azure AD B2C admin UI are the same as those used by Azure AD v2.0 endpoint. These applications cannot yet be created or modified through the Graph API, but you can read and/or search them (using $filter queries) like any other applications with Graph API (e.g. by using the .../applications endpoint in AD Graph API).

Graph API is expected to provide complete CRUD operations in the future, but currently, there is no ETA.


For those of us that must do this with Java, I've been working (well, trying to work) on an api for doing this:


Although I'm not sure if you are using Java, this might still help you understand some of the things you may need as well.