Newbie setup :
- Created First project in GCP
- Created cluster with default, 3 nodes. Node version 1.7.6. cluster master version 1.7.6-gke.1.
- Deployed aan application in a pod, per example.
- Able to access "hello world" and the hostname, using the external-ip and the port.
- In GCP / GKE webpage of my cloud console, clicked "discovery and loadbalancing", I was able to see the "kubernetes-dashboard" process in green-tick, but cannot access throught the IP listed. tried 8001,9090, /ui and nothing worked.
- not using any cloud shell or gcloud commands on my local laptop. Everything is done on console.
Questions :
- How can anyone access the kubernetes-dashboard of the cluster created in console?
- docs are unclear, are the dashboard components incorporated in the console itself? Are the docs out of sync with GCP-GKE screens?
- tutorial says run "kubectl proxy" and then to open
"http://localhost:8001/ui", but it doesnt work, why?