everyone. I am new to snmp and faced following problem. I have snmp table on agent. It works only with flag -Cb (request new row by getnext command). When I using net-snmp int ubuntu, I am getting this table.
How it's doing in java snmp4j: it is performed by step by step getting every row by sending getnext request. But instead of pointing table OID, I point column's OIDs which I want to get. getnext return result and next incremented OID that will be in the next request. As I researched, during snmpgetnext query does not get incremental value. I receive "OIDs returned from a GETNEXT or GETBULK are less or equal than the requested one (which is not allowed by SNMP)". So I can't get it there. I suppose that net-snmp avoid this error by doing increment internally when getting this error.
I also tryied to do getnext manually via net-snmp in ubuntu instead of snmptable, but some of columns I got only first incremeted value and thats it, some does not increment at all.
But snmpget on increased value works
Is it a bug on snmp agent? So net-snmp increment by itself when getting snmp table?