I'm having hard time trying to create a shared library that has ffmpeg libraries "baked in" as static ones.
Consider the following directory schema:
my own .h files
ffmpeg .h files
libav*.a archive files (softlinks to the actual .a files)
libValkka.so (my shared library)
(binaries appear here)
I've come a long way (see Including objects to a shared library from a C++ archive (.a) ) and the library compiles ok with this: ([STUFF] has been omitted for brevity)
/usr/bin/c++ -fPIC -std=c++14 -pthread -Iinclude/ext -I/usr/include/libdrm -g -shared -Wl,-soname,libValkka.so -o lib/libValkka.so CMakeFiles/Valkka.dir/src/avthread.cpp.o CMakeFiles/Valkka.dir/src/opengl.cpp.o CMakeFiles/Valkka.dir/src/openglthread.cpp.o [STUFF] CMakeFiles/Valkka.dir/src/filters.cpp.o -lX11 -lGLEW -lGLU -lGL -Wl,--allow-multiple-definition -Wl,-Bsymbolic -Wl,--whole-archive -Wreorder lib/libavdevice.a lib/libavfilter.a lib/libavformat.a lib/libavcodec.a lib/libavutil.a lib/libswscale.a lib/libswresample.a -Wl,--no-whole-archive
However, when creating executables - their source code does not use any ffmpeg api (just my own api) - with:
c++ -std=c++14 -pthread -Iinclude -Iinclude/ext -Llib test/mytest.cpp -lValkka -g -o bin/mytest
I get a hoard of errors about missing ffmpeg dependencies. Not everything is missing, just some weird stuff:
lib/libValkka.so: undefined reference to `pa_stream_get_index'
lib/libValkka.so: undefined reference to `deflateInit_'
lib/libValkka.so: undefined reference to `pa_stream_get_state'
lib/libValkka.so: undefined reference to `lzma_stream_decoder'
lib/libValkka.so: undefined reference to `BZ2_bzDecompress'
lib/libValkka.so: undefined reference to `vaInitialize'
lib/libValkka.so: undefined reference to `pa_stream_unref'
lib/libValkka.so: undefined reference to `deflateInit2_'
lib/libValkka.so: undefined reference to `snd_pcm_close'
lib/libValkka.so: undefined reference to `vaGetDisplayDRM'
lib/libValkka.so: undefined reference to `vaMaxNumEntrypoints'
lib/libValkka.so: undefined reference to `uncompress'
lib/libValkka.so: undefined reference to `pa_stream_drop'
lib/libValkka.so: undefined reference to `pa_context_connect'
lib/libValkka.so: undefined reference to `FT_Get_Kerning'
lib/libValkka.so: undefined reference to `ass_free_track'
lib/libValkka.so: undefined reference to `pa_operation_unref'
lib/libValkka.so: undefined reference to `FT_Stroker_Done'
lib/libValkka.so: undefined reference to `vaTerminate'
lib/libValkka.so: undefined reference to `ass_new_track'
lib/libValkka.so: undefined reference to `jack_client_close'
lib/libValkka.so: undefined reference to `xcb_xfixes_query_version'
lib/libValkka.so: undefined reference to `xcb_shape_rectangles'
lib/libValkka.so: undefined reference to `pa_mainloop_free'
lib/libValkka.so: undefined reference to `snd_device_name_hint'
lib/libValkka.so: undefined reference to `vaCreateImage'
lib/libValkka.so: undefined reference to `vaBeginPicture'
lib/libValkka.so: undefined reference to `DtsSetColorSpace'
lib/libValkka.so: undefined reference to `vaDestroyConfig'
lib/libValkka.so: undefined reference to `pa_stream_writable_size'
lib/libValkka.so: undefined reference to `snd_pcm_hw_params_get_buffer_size_max'
lib/libValkka.so: undefined reference to `ass_read_file'
This is pretty frustrating, especially when I can see that those names are included in the shared library..!
nm lib/libValkka.so | grep "vaBeginPicture"
U vaBeginPicture
etc. I thought it might be a problem regarding the dependency order the archive .a files, and also tried with:
..... -Wl,--allow-multiple-definition -Wl,-Bsymbolic -Wl,--start-group -Wl,--whole-archive -Wreorder lib/libavdevice.a lib/libavfilter.a lib/libavformat.a lib/libavcodec.a lib/libavutil.a lib/libswscale.a lib/libswresample.a -Wl,--no-whole-archive -Wl,--end-group
But the problem persists.
I have succesfully created a shared library that does not "bake in" those .a archives, i.e. that just depends dynamically on ffmpeg libraries, and there are no such problems.
I am baffled.. Have I misunderstood something fundamental, forgot some annoying linked option, or both? Help appreciated!