The data snippet is taken from mlogit package (Game2) which is in long format to mimic my situation. where ch is rank given to the platform, and chid is id of one respondent
age hours platform ch own chid
1 33 2.00 GameBoy 6 0 1
2 33 2.00 GameCube 5 0 1
3 33 2.00 PC 4 1 1
4 33 2.00 PlayStation 1 1 1
5 33 2.00 PSPortable 3 0 1
6 33 2.00 Xbox 2 0 1
7 19 3.25 GameBoy 6 0 2
8 19 3.25 GameCube 5 0 2
9 19 3.25 PC 1 1 2
10 19 3.25 PlayStation 2 1 2
11 19 3.25 PSPortable 3 0 2
12 19 3.25 Xbox 4 0 2
13 18 4.00 GameBoy 6 0 3
14 18 4.00 GameCube 4 0 3
15 18 4.00 PC 5 1 3
16 18 4.00 PlayStation 1 1 3
17 18 4.00 PSPortable 2 0 3
18 18 4.00 Xbox 3 0 3
I need to convert this long data into wide form as shown below. which is in mlogit package. the rank is retained (from column 1 (ie. ch.Xbox) to column 6 (i.e ch.PC).
ch.Xbox ch.PlayStation ch.PSPortable ch.GameCube ch.GameBoy ch.PC own.Xbox own.PlayStation own.PSPortable own.GameCube own.GameBoy own.PC age hours
1 2 1 3 5 6 4 0 1 0 0 0 1 33 2.00
2 4 2 3 5 6 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 19 3.25
3 3 1 2 4 6 5 0 1 0 0 0 1 18 4.00
My question is to retain long format to wide format given above as an example.