I have azure-iot-hub Spectraqual-free.azure-devices.net triggering a function-app https://spectralqual.azurewebsites.net -consumption plan- as event hub triggers its functions, and have bindings with azure-table-storage https://spectralqualstorage.table.core.windows.net/ The problem is that the functions not work smoothly, something goes wrong, from the functions log I can see that some of my functions triggered but didn't receive eventhubmessage and accordingly not updating the bind table storage, others not triggered at all after it was triggered successfully before,
I developed those functions first with Visual studio code, after debugging and make sure it's free of error, I pushed them to the cloud using github sync, functions that was working -triggered- before on visual studio code, I can't make it triggered again on VScode, and I'm sure that iot-hub is receiving my messages, so the messages are delivered but no trigger happen, any help please!
property for each function? – Mikhail Shilkov