A panel contains of 3 items. The last item has an event handler attache. In the handler a new item (widget) is added to the parent panel. Before adding a new item, an old item of the same xtype should be deleted.
Here is an example that does not work:
Ext.define('Retroplanner.view.dimension.DimensionMapping', {
extend: 'Ext.form.Panel',
defaultListenerScope: true,
items: [{
xtype: 'component',
html: '<h3> Dimension Mappings</h3>',
xtype: 'bm-separator'
xtype: 'siRemoteCombo',
listeners: {
'select': 'onSiRemoteCombo'
onSiRemoteCombo: function(cmb, rec, idx) {
var item;
for(item in this.items){
//here item - is undefined,
//although this.items.length=3, as expected
//isXType is not defined for undefined element:
if (item.isXType('propGrid')) {
//the following code works as expected, if the previous is commented
var dimensionMapping = Ext.widget('propGrid');
I tried to use index, but it also does not work:
Ext.define('Retroplanner.view.dimension.DimensionMapping', {
defaultListenerScope: true,
items: [{
xtype: 'component',
xtype: 'bm-separator'
xtype: 'siRemoteCombo',
listeners: {
'select': 'onSiRemoteCombo'
onSiRemoteCombo: function(cmb, rec, idx) {
//the following code does not remove item in GUI interface.
if (this.items.length == 4)
this.remove(this.items[3], true);
var dimensionMapping = Ext.widget('propGrid');
I would like to be able to remove item by xtype, without any id or other types of references. But if it is not possible, which is the best way to do it? To remove GUI component from its container.
in youronSiRemoteCombo()
method. – Tom Aranda