
My maven project structure:

My maven project structure

My question is, I need to run only parent module, that automatically instantiate that's sub modules(tomcat server). Is it possible with spring boot multi module project?

Note : I am using STS. parent packaging is pom and child module packaging is jar files.

My Parent pom file

http://maven.apache.org/xsd/maven-4.0.0.xsd"> 4.0.0


<description>testproject for Spring Boot</description>

    <relativePath /> <!-- lookup parent from repository -->




My Question is how can I run parent project using tomcat? If I run parent project, child modules are automatically gets run or not?

Thanks in advance !!!

please show us pom.xml of your root projectnaXa
By the way, it's not clear what you're askingnaXa
edit your question to include the codenaXa
have edited my questionMegala Perumal
Currently I am started this to run using docker container. Can you provide me the sites for docker-compose file implementation? or explain how to write docker-compose file? Is there any way to run except this docker?Megala Perumal

1 Answers


I have configured all the the microservices inside one docker-compose file. using docker-compose up command all modules gets started.(Make one microservice as service and others are child microservice)