I am developing OData client with Apache olingo, credentials contains native characters and should be read in UTF-8 for Base64 encoding of "Authorization" header. The first way to go was standard suggested by Olingo:
EdmEnabledODataClient client = ODataClientFactory.getEdmEnabledClient(endpointURI, ContentType.JSON);
client.getConfiguration().setHttpClientFactory(new BasicAuthHttpClientFactory(username, password));
But that didn't not work for me, because Olingo reads "username" and "password" bytes in US-ASCII charset for Base64 encoding, and my username turns to ??? . On HTTP client level, there is a way to pass charset to org.apache.http.impl.auth.BasicSchemeFactory , but I found no way to customize it on Olingo level.
My second attempt was adding a raw header:
URI searchURI = client.newURIBuilder(endpointURI)
.addQueryOption(QueryOption.FORMAT, "json")
ODataEntitySetRequest<ClientEntitySet> request = client.getRetrieveRequestFactory().getEntitySetRequest(searchURI);
String auth = Base64.encodeBase64String(String.format("%s:%s", username, password).getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8));
request.addCustomHeader("Authorization", "Basic "+ auth);
ODataRetrieveResponse<ClientEntitySet> response = request.execute();
But it appears that Olingo actually sends 2 HTTP requests under request.execute call . First one is for data, it contains my header, passed authorization and returns data - fine. But then second request is for metadata, without Authorization header, and returns 401 Unauthorized. So the final result is exception. I need a way to add basic auth. that will work through full Olingo request cycle (multiple http requests, and use UTF-8 charset for my credentials. Or, disable metadata call somehow (may be not possible, if Olingo always uses it for response object construction)