
I’m building a bar chart in google data-studio in a report connected to BigQuery, calculating min, max, avg for a metric with one dimension. The problem is that every time I edit the chart to add the metric and change its calculation (for instance for sum to min), a BigQuery query is run which is very wasteful. So I was wondering if there is a way to pause the querying until I finish constructing / editing the chart before unpausing it to have the final query with the final chart. Thx in advance


2 Answers


Turning off the pre-fetch cache may lower costs: https://support.google.com/datastudio/answer/7020039?hl=en. But I'm not sure if that will stop queries from being issued during edits.


You can try writing your own connector using Apps Script and fetch data using the BigQuery service. If you set up an intermediary Apps Script cache, you reduce the number of times you have to hit BigQuery.