
I want to plot a series of points, a plane and the intersection points with that plane using gnuplot. In order to do this, I created the following gnuplot script:

set title 'Homogeneous field with plane intersection'
set xlabel 'x'
set ylabel 'y'
set zlabel 'z'
set parametric
splot 'points.txt' with linespoints, 'intersectionPoints.txt' with points
pointtype 7 lc rgb 'red',
60 + 0 * u, u, v

The script produces the following plot: enter image description here

Everything works fine, however the size of the parametric plane is way too small. How can I get gnuplot to automatically adjust the size of the plane to roughly match the dimensions of the rest of the plot?


1 Answers


You have to set the ranges for the two parameters u and v, for example

set urange [-50:250]
set vrange [-20:20]

From help parametric: " Currently the default range for these parametric variables is [-5:5]. Setting the ranges to something more meaningful is expected.".