
I am new to CloudShell and I want to deploy a SQL database to Azure SQL Server.

Previously (using Windows PowerShell) I have deployed a database using a dacpac file in combination with the Dac framework.

But CloudShell is something on portal & I don't have the Dac framework associated with it. Is there any other way to update/deploy database to Azure SQL Server using CloudShell?

Don't you want just use publish profile in ms sql server project to deploy to your azure db?teo van kot
I don't have a database ready in ms sq server. I have Database Project in visual studio and I got .dacpac file from it. I want to deploy it using Powershell.Rohi_Dev_1.0

2 Answers


I got the workaround for the problem. I have copied Dac framework (130) folder to CloudShell VM which contains SqlPackage.exe file. Then I ran the PowerShell script to deploy dacpac & It works! I am still trying to install SSTD in CLoudShell environment. But for now, I can deploy a database using dacpack.


You can actually use PowerShell in the Azure Cloud Shell through the public preview. From then, you can import .bacpac files into your Azure SQL Database as explained in this documentation page. The Dac framework is used internally by the Azure import/export module.