I am trying to display image from Amazon S3 Bucket using Angular JS.
My Amazon S3 CORS Configuration are as follows:-
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<CORSConfiguration xmlns="http://s3.amazonaws.com/doc/2006-03-01/">
<img ng-src="{{imgSrc}}">
Angular JS code to retrieve the image is as follows:-
$scope.retrieveImage = function()
accessKeyId: "MyAccessKey", secretAccessKey: "MySecretKey"
var bucket = new AWS.S3({ params: { Bucket: "MyBucket" } });
bucket.getObject({ Key: 'Datetime.png' }, function (err, file) {
$scope.imgSrc= "";
The file.Body parameter inside getObject() method is coming as Uint8Array.
Please help me on this:-
- Is this the standard coding to retrieve image from Amazon S3 when using Angular JS? Should file.Body always comes as Uint8Array
- How to convert Uint8Array object to image and show inside the webpage? Please note that uploaded image can be of any format like JPEG/PNG/GIF etc.
It will be of really help if anyone can provide working example.
array? Likealert("bytes : " + myArray[0] + "," + myArray[1] + "," + myArray[2] + "," + myArray[3]);
then paste here. You have an Answer about base64 but your data may not be in such format. We need correct information. – VC.One