I don't understand how I am getting a contract violation. It seems when I create a bst it doesnt make 2 empty lists it just has ().
This is my remove method:
;Returns the binary search tree representing bst after removing x where f and g are predicates as defined in bst-contains.
(define (bst-remove bst f g x)
;if empty return empty
(cond ((empty? bst) (bst-create-empty)))
;else if equal then check right if right is empty then pull from left
(cond ((g (car bst) x) (cond ((empty? (caddr bst)) (cond ((empty? (cadr bst)) (bst-create-empty))
(else (car(cadr bst)))))
;if right isnt empty then remove from left
(else(bst-create (bst-max-right (caddr bst)) (cadr bst) (bst-remove (caddr bst) f g (bst-max-right (caddr bst)))))))
(else (bst-create (car bst) (bst-remove (cadr bst) f g x) (bst-remove (caddr bst) f g x)))))
My bst-create and bst-create-empty:
;Returns an empty binary search tree.
(define (bst-create-empty)
;Returns a binary search tree having the specified root value, with left-subtree left and right-subtree right.
(define (bst-create root left right)
(list root left right))
The code I give it is
(bst-remove (bst-create 5 (bst-create 6 (bst-create-empty) (bst-create-empty)) (bst-create 4 (bst-create-empty) (bst-create-empty))) < = 6)
The error i get is car: contract violation expected: pair? given: ()