I am working on pso optimisation technique to optimize SVM parameters gamma and the C. I got this error and I couldn't figure out it.
Error in dimnames(x) <- dn
length of 'dimnames' [2] not equal to array extent
Called from: colnames <- (tmp, value = colnames(object$SV)
#plot(data, pch=16)//margins too large
s <-sample(213,149)
tra <- data[s,]
tes<- data[-s,]
x <- subset(tes, select = -Cardio)
y <- tes$Cardio
#error rate function
error_rate <- function(yobs,ypred){
#matrice de confusion
mc <- table(yobs,ypred)
#taux d'erreur
err <- 1.0 - sum(diag(mc))/sum(mc)
# objective function minimization
f <- function(x)
C <- x[0]
gamma <- x[0]
# C <- 10 ** C_Exp
# gamma <- 10 ** gamma_Exp
wts <- 100 / table(data$Cardio)
svm.model <- svm(Cardio ~ ., data = tra, scale = FALSE,type="C-classification",kernel="radial",gamma=gamma,cost=C,class.weights = wts)
predictedY <- predict(svm.model, x)
#fonction d'évaluation
#prediction error
error <- error_rate(tes$Cardio,predictedY)
# compute decision values and probabilities:
pred <- predict(svm.model, x, decision.values = TRUE)
# attr(pred, "decision.values")[1:4,]
# Check accuracy:
#results of prediction
table((tes[,72])== pred)
return (error)
n <- 100 #population size
m.l <- 100 #number of epochs
w <- 0.95 #inertia weight
c1 <- 0.2#accelaration factor self-recognition
c2 <- 0.2 #acceleration factor social component
xmin <- c(-5.12, -5.12) #position minimale
xmax <- c(5.12, 5.12) #position maximale
vmax <- c(4, 4) #velocity
optimum <- psoptim(f, n=n, max.loop=m.l, w=w, c1=c1, c2=c2,
xmin=xmin, xmax=xmax, vmax=vmax, seed=5, anim=FALSE)