This is my first question on StackOverflow so if I'm doing something wrong when asking this question I welcome any pointers as to how I should've posed it instead, or any further information needed.
I have developed a small ASP.NET/C# site which generates mailto-links with a preset subject/body. However for some reason my mailto:-links end up garbling non-standard letters (e.g. ååö) when opened in Outlook 2003. In Outlook 2010 it seems to work.
Sample code (apologize the Swedish):
<a href='mailto:" + emails + "?subject=Inflödning till " + language +
" för jobb nr " + projectID + " är klar. Tidsåtgång: " + time + "'>
Skicka mail till PL?</a>
(note that this happens on static links without C# variables as well)
Garbled text sample from Outlook 2003 mail window:
Inflödning till en för jobb nr 111111 är klar. Tidsåtgång: 1
I have specified UTF-8 encoding in the Web.config but I'm assuming this isn't the problem. I probably have to specify the encoding in the subject itself, but I am not sure about how to do that.
Edit: It would seem Outlook 2003 has a tough time handling UTF-8 mailto support. See for example this question. Outlook 2010 has an explicit "UTF-8 support for mailto protocol" switch under options. 2003 is missing this. Any ideas on how to get around this? UrlEncoding() doesn't seem to help.