I am using enzyme. I need to test a component that has react router Link as a child. I need the following
- mount the component using mount() of enzyme since I need to test the whole component tree
- test behaviours of component when it properties change.
I cannot wrap my component with StaticRouter or MemoryRouter since enzyme only allows setProps() at root level.
My current solution is to stub the Link render method with sinon. Here is a short example.
import {Link} from 'react-router-dom';
import sinon from 'sinon';
// ....
// ....
describe('test',() => {
before(() => {
sinon.stub(Link.prototype, 'render').callsFake(function reactRouterLinkRender() {
const {innerRef, replace, to } = this.props;
const _props = {href: to, ref: innerRef, replace, onClick: this.handleClick};
return (<a {..._props}>this.props.children</a>);
Is there a better way to avoid the error "Invariant Violation: You should not use Link outside a Router"?