I know there are several posts about 405 Errors from using AJAX delete. However, none of the solutions from the posts I found worked for me.
I have a view with a table displaying all the products from my database table. On each row there is a delete button to delete the product like so:
{!! Form::open(['method' => 'DELETE', 'route' => ['slider.destroy', $slide->id]]) !!}
<button type="button" class="deleteproductModal btn btn-xs btn-default btn-flat"
data-product_token="{{ csrf_token() }}"
data-product_name="{{ $slide->title_slider }}"
data-product_destroy_route="{{ route('slider.destroy', $slide->id) }}">
<i class="fa fa-trash"></i>
{!! Form::close() !!}
On button click, the following javascript executes which calls the destroy method in the controller to delete the product from the database:
var productRoute = $(this).attr("data-product_destroy_route");
var productName = $(this).attr("data-product_name");
var productToken = $(this).attr("data-product_token");
deleteproduct(productRoute, productToken, productName);
function deleteproduct(productRoute, productToken, productName)
title: "Window product Deletion",
text: "Are you absolutely sure you want to delete " + productName + "? This action cannot be undone." +
"This will permanently delete " + productName + ", and remove all collections and materials associations.",
type: "warning",
showCancelButton: true,
closeOnConfirm: false,
confirmButtonText: "Delete " + productName,
confirmButtonColor: "#ec6c62"
}, function()
type: "DELETE",
url: productRoute,
headers: { 'X-CSRF-TOKEN' : productToken }
swal("Window Product Deleted!", productName + " Window Product was successfully delete.", "success");
swal("Oops", "We couldn't connect to the server!", "error");
My controller is a resource controller. Here is the route:
Here is the destroy method from the controller being called.
public function destroy($id)
$home= Slider::find($id);
notify()->flash('<h3>Deleted successfully</h3>', 'success', ['timer'=>2000]);
return redirect('slider');
when i delete the product i get oops we couldnt connect to the server sweet alert error but when i fresh the page the data is deleted....any help?