I have met a strange problem when using Coroutine in Unity. Before modification, my code is as the following:
IEnumerator Destory()
yield return new WaitForSeconds(destoryDelay);
yield return StartCoroutine(Timer.Start(0.5f, false, gameManager.EnableBtnSummon));
is an utility written by myself and used for delay invoke.
public static IEnumerator Start(float duration, bool repeat, Action callback)
yield return new WaitForSeconds(duration);
if (callback != null)
} while (repeat);
Because Time.Start()
includes WaitForSeconds()
, so I decided to modify above code as the following:
IEnumerator Destory()
//yield return new WaitForSeconds(destoryDelay);
yield return StartCoroutine(Timer.Start(destoryDelay+0.5f, false, gameManager.EnableBtnSummon));
Unfortunately, console throw an error:
ArgumentException: Value does not fall within the expected range.
is just an Action processing game logic. After debug, i make sure that error occurred before this function run. But i will show it for more clues.
public void EnableBtnSummon()
//will not reach this!
print("Enable Button Summon");
//if detecting monster, change relative sprite of monster medal
if (currentMonsterIndex != -1)
Image captureMonsterSprite = monsterMedalList.transform.GetChild(currentMonsterIndex).GetComponent<Image>();
captureMonsterSprite.sprite = mosnterExplicitMedalList[currentMonsterIndex];
Image gameOverMonsterSprite = gameOverMonsterList.transform.GetChild(currentMonsterIndex).GetComponent<Image>();
gameOverMonsterSprite.sprite = mosnterExplicitMedalList[currentMonsterIndex];
currentMonsterIndex = -1;
if (captureMonsterCount == monsterIndexDictionary.Count) return;
var summonAnimator = btnSummon.GetComponent<Animator>();
summonAnimator.SetBool("isSearch", false);
btnSummon.enabled = true;
btnExit.enabled = true;
I cannot understand it, could someone tell me what happens? thx...
declared? – ProgrammerDebug.Log
to verify their value before sending them. – MadStarkgameManager
are declared. If you don't mind showing that, that would be awesome. Maybe post the class itself .... These are required to tell what's going on. – ProgrammergameManager
doesn't matter because error occurred even before Action is invoked. – Luren Wang