
I need to assign a TRectangle.Fill.Color from a database field using LiveBindings, it looks like a simple thing, but I could not do it. Maybe the field type, maybe the value, but when assigned from a PrototypedBinding...it works.

How can I assign a color using livebindings?

Thank you in advanced!

I've had no problem binding visually LONGWORD field of an SQLite table I've created using FireDAC in Tokyo. Could you elaborate in details what's the exact problem, please?Victoria
I want a TRectangle.Fill.Color change based on a value in a field from database table, so when I change the record...the color changes the TRectabgle.FelixBCastillo
I understand. That's exactly what I was able to do. I'm asking what you're having trouble with. I've binded to persistent field through TLinkPropertyToField.Victoria

1 Answers


Here is a working example of what you need:

The field type is LongWord because System.UITypes declares TAlphaColor = type Cardinal and both Cardinal and LongWord are aliases for UInt32.

Watch the values generated by PrototypeBindSource (on the right): enter image description here

Check if the values from your database correspond to the unsigned integer values representing the required colors. Maybe you tried too small values?

And here is a pattern of bindings for the given form: enter image description here