I want to query a subgraph from a large graph data base with a given source. Say I want the top 25 neighbors of a given node, along with all the relations among this set of nodes, how should my query be?
At the moment I have:
MATCH (source {label:'source'}) -[:relation]-> (neighbors)
RETURN source,neighbors
This works in the neo4j browser, returning the 26 nodes as well as all the existing relations among those nodes. However, when I try execute the same query via py2neo:
it only returns 26 nodes along with the 25 direct edge connections between the source and the 25 neighbors, which makes sense. But I wonder why there is a difference between the browser result versus the py2neo result. And how I can achieve the same result with all the edge connections returned.
In general, I would like to know the following smaller questions:
how to append a single node to a list of nodes in neo4j? e.g. nlist = neighbors + node
how to return all the relationships between two sets of nodes? e.g. return (a in nlist) -[:relation]-> (b in nlist)
To visualize, I want the resulting graph to be something like this
rather than a star graph like this
Thanks for any comments.
MATCH (source {label:'source'}) -[:relation]-> (neighbors) WITH collect(source) + collect(neighbors) as all UNWIND all AS nodes RETURN nodes
. Right? – Bruno Peres