I'm trying to verify digital signatures in c# using iTextSharp.
I've followed the example in the iText web (http://gitlab.itextsupport.com/itextsharp/tutorial/blob/master/signatures/chapter5/C5_03_CertificateValidation/C5_03_CertificateValidation.cs) but the results aren't what I expected. Specifically, when trying to verify a signature through OCSP or CRL, the result usually is that the signature couldn't be verified. I think that shouldn't happen, since Adobe Reader verificates the signatures ok.
The pdf I'm using to test the verification can be found in this link: https://blogs.adobe.com/security/SampleSignedPDFDocument.pdf
This is the code I'm using (short version of the example from the link above):
static void Main(String[] args)
LoggerFactory.GetInstance().SetLogger(new SysoLogger());
C5_03_CertificateValidation app = new C5_03_CertificateValidation();
app.VerifySignatures(EXAMPLE); //Pdf file I'm using to test the verification
public void VerifySignatures(String path)
PdfReader reader = new PdfReader(path);
AcroFields fields = reader.AcroFields;
List<String> names = fields.GetSignatureNames();
foreach (string name in names)
Console.WriteLine("===== " + name + " =====");
VerifySignature(fields, name);
public PdfPKCS7 VerifySignature(AcroFields fields, String name)
PdfPKCS7 pkcs7 = fields.VerifySignature(name);
X509Certificate[] certs = pkcs7.SignCertificateChain;
DateTime cal = pkcs7.SignDate;
X509Certificate signCert = certs[0];
X509Certificate issuerCert = (certs.Length > 1 ? certs[1] : null);
Console.WriteLine("=== Checking validity of the document at the time of signing ===");
CheckRevocation(pkcs7, signCert, issuerCert, cal);
Console.WriteLine("=== Checking validity of the document today ===");
CheckRevocation(pkcs7, signCert, issuerCert, DateTime.Now);
return pkcs7;
public static void CheckRevocation(PdfPKCS7 pkcs7, X509Certificate signCert, X509Certificate issuerCert, DateTime date)
List<BasicOcspResp> ocsps = new List<BasicOcspResp>();
if (pkcs7.Ocsp != null)
OcspVerifier ocspVerifier = new OcspVerifier(null, ocsps);
List<VerificationOK> verification =
ocspVerifier.Verify(signCert, issuerCert, date);
if (verification.Count == 0)
List<X509Crl> crls = new List<X509Crl>();
if (pkcs7.CRLs != null)
foreach (X509Crl crl in pkcs7.CRLs)
CrlVerifier crlVerifier = new CrlVerifier(null, crls);
verification.AddRange(crlVerifier.Verify(signCert, issuerCert, date));
if (verification.Count == 0)
Console.WriteLine("The signing certificate couldn't be verified with the example");
foreach (VerificationOK v in verification)
//Code not in the example, added by me
//This way, I can find out if the certificate is revoked or not (through CRL). Not sure if it's the right way though
if (verification.Count == 0 && pkcs7.CRLs != null && pkcs7.CRLs.Count != 0)
bool revoked = false;
foreach (X509Crl crl in pkcs7.CRLs)
revoked = crl.IsRevoked(pkcs7.SigningCertificate);
if (revoked)
Console.WriteLine("Is certificate revoked?: " + revoked.ToString());
And this is the output I get:
===== Signature2 =====
=== Checking validity of the document at the time of signing ===
i.t.p.s.OcspClientBouncyCastle INFO Getting OCSP from http://adobe-ocsp.geotrust.com/responder
iTextSharp.text.pdf.security.OcspClientBouncyCastle ERROR Error en el servidor remoto: (502) Puerta de enlace no válida.
i.t.p.s.OcspVerifier INFO Valid OCSPs found: 0
i.t.p.s.CrlVerifier INFO Getting CRL from http://crl.geotrust.com/crls/adobeca1.crl
i.t.p.s.CrlVerifier INFO Valid CRLs found: 0
The signing certificate couldnt be verified with the example
Is certificate revoked?: False
=== Checking validity of the document today ===
i.t.p.s.OcspClientBouncyCastle INFO Getting OCSP from http://adobe-ocsp.geotrust.com/responder
iTextSharp.text.pdf.security.OcspClientBouncyCastle ERROR Error en el servidor remoto: (502) Puerta de enlace no válida.
i.t.p.s.OcspVerifier INFO Valid OCSPs found: 0
i.t.p.s.CrlVerifier INFO Getting CRL from http://crl.geotrust.com/crls/adobeca1.crl
i.t.p.s.CrlVerifier INFO Valid CRLs found: 0
The signing certificate couldnt be verified with the example
Is certificate revoked?: False
I don't get why the signature couldn't be verified, since Adobe can do it. Any ideas are appreciated.