
I have a Azure DocumentDB collection with a 100 documents. I have tokenized an array of search terms in each document for performing a search based on keywords.

I was able to search on just one keyword using below SQL query for DocumentDB:

SELECT VALUE c FROM root c JOIN word IN c.tags WHERE CONTAINS(LOWER(word), LOWER('keyword'))

However, this only allows search based on single keyword. I want to be able to search given multiple keywords. For this, I tried below query:

SELECT * FROM c WHERE ARRAY_CONTAINS(c.tags, "Food") OR ARRAY_CONTAINS(c.tags, "Dessert") OR ARRAY_CONTAINS(c.tags, "Spicy")

This works, but is case-sensitive. How do I make this case-insensitive? I tried using scalar function LOWER like this

LOWER(c.tags), LOWER("Dessert")

but this doesn't seem to work with ARRAY_CONTAINS.

Any idea how I can perform a case-insensitive search on multiple keywords using SQL query for DocumentDB?



Is the amount of keywords deterministic? Or could it be potentially large? Do you want to consider people writing the keywords with spelling errors?Matias Quaranta

1 Answers


The best way to deal with the case sensitivity is to store them in the tags array with all lower case (or upper case) and then just do LOWER(<user-input-tag>) at query time.

As for your desire to search on multiple user input tags, your approach of building a series of OR clauses is probably the best approach.