We're building a touch screen kiosk application that will run on Windows POS Ready 2009. We need to ensure that the application is always running, so we've built a watchdog process that our application pings periodically, and if the watchdog doesn't get a ping, it'll start/restart the app - a fairly standard idea.
Our application is WPF and requires .net 4 (which is all fine) and we chose to use WCF named pipes for the inter-process communication. This now seems like a bad idea because I don't think WCF using named pipes is natively supported on POS Ready 2009 and I can't find an where on the internets how to install/configure support for it.
Any one know if/how I can run my application with WCF named pipes on POS Ready 2009.
EDIT: My bad - file under "Too Stupid to Live". Thanks for your answer Chris, you are completely right and it does work perfectly on POS Ready 2009. Other deployment issues had me flummoxed.