
I can't find the way hot to get information about several PRs inside one repo/branch filtered by their numbers from GitHub API. I'm trying to analyze git history and find pull requests titles merged in a branch during a period of time.

Here I see only filter by state. https://developer.github.com/v3/pulls/#list-pull-requests

Thank you.


1 Answers


If you are trying to find the merged PRs in a repo/branch during a period of time, it is possible using the GitHub Search Issues API.

For example: if you want to find all PRs in repo km-poonacha/testissues, created between 2017-06-01..2017-06-16 and that are mergedyou can make the following request - https://api.github.com/search/issues?q=repo:km-poonacha/testissues+type:pr+created:2017-06-01..2017-06-16+is:merged.

Ref. Search Issues and Pull Requests