I'm trying to create and return a C++ struct. I am currently getting a cannot move out of dereference of raw pointer
error when I try to compile. Any idea how I can make this work?
extern crate octh;
// https://thefullsnack.com/en/string-ffi-rust.html
use std::ffi::CString;
pub unsafe extern "C" fn Ghelloworld(
shl: *const octh::root::octave::dynamic_library,
relative: bool,
) -> *mut octh::root::octave_dld_function {
let name = CString::new("helloworld").unwrap();
let pname = name.as_ptr() as *const octh::root::std::string;
let doc = CString::new("Hello World Help String").unwrap();
let pdoc = doc.as_ptr() as *const octh::root::std::string;
return octh::root::octave_dld_function_create(Some(Fhelloworld), shl, pname, pdoc);
pub unsafe extern "C" fn Fhelloworld(
args: *const octh::root::octave_value_list,
nargout: ::std::os::raw::c_int,
) -> octh::root::octave_value_list {
let list: *mut octh::root::octave_value_list = ::std::ptr::null_mut();
return *list;