
This is my first implementation of using JWT in MVC. I have created the following token in my controller to pass to the front end when they hit my endpoint . I have used the tool on JWT.io but I am uncertain if it's worked and what I put in the signature section 'secret'. It says invalid token signature but I can see the payload. Here is the code:

Any help or pointing in the right direction to see how it works would be great.

var payload = new Dictionary<string, object>()
     { "id", "example123" },
     { "Name", "John Doe" }

X509Certificate2 certX509 = new X509Certificate2(pfxFile, password);

byte[] privateKey = certX509.Export(X509ContentType.Cert, password);

string token = Jose.JWT.Encode(payload, privateKey, JwsAlgorithm.HS256);

//string[] getSecret = token.Split(".".ToCharArray());
//secret = getSecret[2];

return token; 

The result, which seems to look like a JWT token:


but it doesn't validate on https://jwt.io/. Thank you in advance :)


After playing around more I found if I create a string then convert it to a byte array then use the text in the signature box it verifies!!. Because my current byte array is populated from a pfx, the value to enter is unknown.


1 Answers


Put private key on secret textbox. correct secret validate token. see snap