
i have a 2007 ms access application , and it is working fine between multiple computers, but now we have a new pc that joined the network and it is running with windows 10 , and has ms access 2013 installed, and when i try to use the application in that new pc, i am geting the above error (2950), and i have tried the following solutions :

  1. setting a trusted path for my db.

  2. using compact and repair the database. but it did not work

so, if any idea i will be very thankful..

On the new machine, open VBA editor and see if there are any missing References.June7
you were absolutely right, there was a missing references , I unchecked then re checked closed the application and reopen it and everything was fine , thanks a lot .SUDAPP
Just one? You compiled (not compact) your vba code? Some classes changed their version in Win10, e.g. XmlHttp40 to XmlHttp60?BitAccesser

1 Answers


I recently did some testing with macros on a Windows 10 machine and had to change the following in the code:

OLD Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;

NEW Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;

to get our macros to work............