working through Joe's book, got stuck on Chapter 12 exercise 1. That exercise is asking one to write a function start(AnAtom,Fun) that would register AnAtom as spawn(Fun). I've decided to try something seemingly easier - took the chapter's finished 'area_server' module, and modified it's start/0 function like this:
start() ->
Pid = spawn(ex1, loop, []),
io:format("Spawned ~p~n",[Pid]),
register(area, Pid).
so in place of a process executing the arbitrary Fun, I am registering the 'loop', which is a function in the area_server module doing all the work:
loop() ->
{From, {rectangle, Width, Ht}} ->
io:format("Computing for rectangle...~n"),
From ! {self(), Width*Ht},
{From, {square, Side}} ->
io:format("Computing for square...~n"),
From ! {self(), Side*Side},
{From, Other} ->
From ! {self(), {error, Other}},
It seems to be working just fine:
1> c("ex1.erl").
2> ex1:start().
Spawned <0.68.0>
3> area ! {self(), hi}.
4> flush().
Shell got {<0.68.0>,{error,hi}}
5> area ! {self(), {square, 7}}.
Computing for square...
6> flush().
Shell got {<0.68.0>,49}
Thing went bad when I've tried to test that multiple processes can talk to the registered "server". (CTRL-G, s, c 2)
I'm in a new shell, running alongside the first - but the moment I send a message from this new shell to my 'area' registered process, something nasty happens - when querying process_info(whereis(area)), process moves from this state:
to this one:
while the message queue starts to grow, messages not getting processed. Hanging in module io, huh! Something is blocked on the io operations? Apparently the process is moved from my ex1:loop/0 into io:execute_request/2 (whatever that is)... are my silly prints causing the problem?