
My question is related to the Bot Framework, with Microsoft Teams. The idea is to be able to get the current groupId (if we are not in a 1:1 convesation) to be able to make some Graph request

I tried to get the channel data, with this method

TeamsChannelData channelData = context.Activity.GetChannelData<TeamsChannelData>()

But I just have the channel id (Something like 19:[email protected])

Actually It's not enough to get the GroupId, even with the /beta graph endpoint.

Any pointer on how to works with the current group in MS Teams, with a Bot ?

Thx all !

Is there anything helpful here: msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-teams/botapis ?Eric Dahlvang
Hi Sébastien, you are talking about a bot in a conversation, or a bot in a channel of a group?Nicolas R
But I suspect that in both cases you will not have any relevant information (I already had a look on Conversation, and it's like for Skype: Ids are generated values that cannot be used)Nicolas R

1 Answers


Thanks for bringing to us. The improvement to include the AAD group id to channel data is still in progress. We will let u know once it is released to public.